its a German website devoted to mobile phones and accessories for them.
The website is easy to browse, the assortment of devices is wide and plentiful, but lets check what interest us, the pricing, are the price good?

I will take some of the products they have in their front and compare with other similar sites.

For example Original LG Lederetui CCL240 (leather case) they are selling it for 14,67 €* while in is being sold for 14,95 €, so its cheaper, but remember you must check the pricing for shipping and packaging.

Lets see another example Original Nokia KFZ Ladekabel DC-4 (Car charger) the friends at are selling it for 10,73 € while at DANTO.DE is being sold for 6,40 € it seems like Danto is selling it cheaper, but check the shipping and packaging before taking any decisions.

And finally lets take a look to this, Iqua Smart Badge Bluetooth Headset an interesting device that its a headset and at the same time it works to carry your ID, in that way you don`t need to carry several wires around your neck, the good news is that is being sold by for 18,36 € but the bad news is that I cant find any other German website that is selling the same item, so we must take this is the best offer.

So, now you know, if you are going to buy a mobile phone or add ons in Germany, always check

All the kinds of accessories and add ons under one site.
Varieties of different products to choose from.
If you know what you want this is the right place for you.
If you don’t know what you want this is the first place to look for.
Mobile Accessories Handyzubehör
Nokia Accessories Nokia Zubehör
BlackBerry Accessories Blackberry Zubehör
Mobile Phone Cases Handytaschen

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Creador de La Cueva del Lobo.

Desde muy joven me sentí fascinado por la Ciencia Ficción y la Fantasía en todas sus vertientes, bien sea en literatura, videojuegos, cómics, cine, etc. Por eso es que he dedicado este blog a la creación y promoción de esos dos géneros en todas sus formas.

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